work samples

Below are samples of the work I have completed during my coursework in the M.S. Learning Design and Technology program or through my professional experiences with the University of South Florida College of Education.


I have developed Canvas courses for many of the courses I led as an adjunct instructor for the University of South Florida. Below are screenshots from my SCE 6855 Elementary Biology and Ocean Sciences course. This lesson required video embedding, links to external virtual labs, discussion boards, video assessments via EdPuzzle, and code editing to enhance the aesthetic effect of the lesson.

Students are welcomed to the course with this front page.

Engage in the lesson: Students watched an embedded EdPuzzle video

Explore the lesson: Students completed a hands on activity "Earth, Apple of Our Eye"

Elaborate the lesson: Students completed a virtual lab by following embedded photos as directions




Microsoft Sway
This Microsoft Sway website was designed for my Microsoft Innovative Educator Certification in 2021. The goal of this website was to make my course syllabus more interactive and engaging for incoming students.


EdPuzzle is a great resource that integrates technology with formative and summative assessments. This is a preview of an introductory video I created to instruct students on how to create their own EdPuzzle videos for their classroom lessons.


Metaverse is an augmented reality studio that provides educators with the training and resources to make their own augmented reality experiences for their students. The process requires creating storyboard of the learning experience (below), including any external links the activity will introduce to the students. Scan the QR code to experience my Food Chains AR lesson through the Metaverse app.

Click here to explore my Food Chains Augmented Reality lesson and learn more about the Metaverse App for Android and iOS.


HIPPY Orientation

This project was developed with two team members in EDF 6284 Problems with Instructional Design for Computers. This module was developed to transition a traditional in-person orientation to an interactive online orientation using Articulate Rise, Photoshop, storyboarding, and audience analysis.

Explore the lesson by clicking here.


The projects below were developed in EME 6208 Interactive Media and EME 6207 Web Design to spark learner-content excitement and provide visual cues to capture learner attention.


Other instructional technologies I am proficient in are Microsoft Office Suite, Google Suite, Adobe (including Dreamweaver), FlipGrid, Kahoot!, Socrative, Qualtrics Surveys, Screencast-o-Matic, JASP Statistical Analysis, NVIVO Qualitative Analysis, Panopto, Padlet, Zappar, PowerBi, Docusign, MERGE AR/VR, VEX Robotics, LucidChart, Banner 9, and Texas Instruments (TI) Innovator Rovers.